~ My Personal Blog ~

Loved By Some, Hated By Many, Envied By Most, Yet Wanted By Plenty !!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Learn to Love Yourself :)

Ever Since we are born, we are molded into the people our parents, friends, relatives, and peers want us to be. We are pushed into being athletes, models; pushed into taking after our mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings, whoever, but very rarely does anyone take the time out to really ask what a person wants to achieve with their life. No one really takes the time out to really get to know or let a person develop themselves when they're young, and I suppose it's not anyone's fault. The problem is that when children grow up, they realize who they are, or maybe who they aren't. They realize that maybe they aren't as athletic as they've been pushed to me. They realize they really hate school, and don't want to pursue a doctorate. They realize they hate dresses, bright lights, and heels. It's a beautiful thing when people finally see who they were meant to be their whole lives. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and I believe that as we grow, our experiences mold us into who we are supposed to be in the long run, even if it's a rough road.

There is an awful trend where people are sad. They're lonely, depressed, upset with themselves, with others, with the world. We look in the mirror and hate what we see, whether we hate it because we think we should have longer hair, longer eyelashes, bigger muscles, flatter stomachs, smaller thighs, have a different shade of skin color, be a different gender, be taller, be shorter, be smarter, be more popular, whatever the case is, few people look in the mirror and truly love what they see. I'm sad to say that I rarely love what I see. No matter how many people say I'm beautiful, or I have good hair, eyes, grades, or that I'm skinny, the voices in my head are screaming things that are not nearly as nice and are much louder. I try very hard to love what I see. I tell myself that the mirror is lying; sometimes, it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, I push those thoughts away, and avoid mirrors for a while.

What makes me even more upset than knowing that the mirror and the voices are lying is knowing that other people are struggling with the same thing. I know plenty of extraordinary people who are amazingly beautiful who don't believe they are. I may not be able to always believe it myself, but I try so very hard to convince them of their beauty, on the outside as well as the inside. I wish I could hug and give encouraging words to every single human being on this planet. I wish I could hold each of you when you cry. I wish I could whisper lovely words to you when you're fighting an anxiety attack all night, and can't sleep, and when you want to hurt yourself just to make the voices stop. For most of you, I can't do that, but, here, I can offer you some words that may help. I know that words are powerful, wonderful, empowering things. They have inspired countries, and people of all kinds to make beautiful changes in the world. I offer to you my small piece of encouragement and I hope it helps, on some level.

No matter what you think is "wrong" with you, you're incorrect. You are a miracle. There is no one that will ever be exactly like you. You are a unique individual. You have been given one life to live and one body to live that life out in. There are so many people rooting for you, people you don't even know are supporting you. And if you are shaking your head and saying,"No, no one cares about me." You're wrong, because I care about you. I care whether you love yourself or not. I care whether you live or die. (I want you to live) I care if your smile is real. I care if you pick up the razor blade, scissors, safety pins, knifes, etc. and harm yourself. I don't want you to harm yourself. You deserve to feel happiness, not a constant pressure on your chest, and tears running down your cheeks. No amount of scars you have or how you got them, will make me love you less. You are valuable. You cannot be replaced. This time in your life may suck really freaking bad, but one day, I promise, you will wake up every day with a smile on your face.

Find your happiness. Don't listen to anyone who is forcing you to be their idea of who you should be. Be YOU.  Whether you're silly, or serious, or maybe you have a lot of feelings and cry every ten minutes over nothing, that's okay. Maybe you hug EVERYONE, hug the crap out of anyone. As long as you're truly happy, don't let anyone stop you. Be happy, give hugs, smile at strangers, pay for someone's drink at Starbucks. Offer to help someone on their homework if you know how to do it. Be friendly. Be encouraging. Even if you're having a bad day, it often helps if you offer someone an encouraging piece of advice.

I was once a shy, scared little girl who was afraid of being herself. I didn't want anyone to think I was weird, and decide they didn't want to be my friend. I wanted people to like me. I never did anything crazy to get people to like me; I never went through a drug/alcohol/terrible decision phase. Luckily, I figured out that the right people will find you if you are being yourself. I don't have a plethora of friends, but the friends I do have are complete and wonderful freaks, just how I like them. :) I'm really weird, so freaking weird. People can be either be easily attracted to my personality or easily turned off by it. Either way, I see it as a good thing. People might as well know, early on, how crazy I am; if they stick around after finding out the real me, then they must REALLY want to be friends with me. Turns out, being completely comfortable in knowing I'm a "freak" got me the guy of my dreams. ;)

I'm not going to tell you to be happy you need a guy/girl of your dreams. You don't. You need to love and accept yourself before pursuing anyone. You need to romanticize yourself. You need to shave your legs, dress up, and be happy for yourself before you do it for anyone else, first. Because you will always have to deal with yourself, you will always be living in your own skin. People, unfortunately, have their own agendas, and aren't always around. Learn to love the way you only have one dimple, how you always cross your legs, how, no matter how funny the joke, your laugh is always obnoxious, how your hair is never perfect, how one eye is bigger than the other, how you can't wink; love yourself so much it becomes hard to see anything but happiness when you look into the mirror. You may not look like your favorite celebrity, but that's great, because you're not them, you're you, and you are gorgeous. I'm not perfect and neither are you. We all have bad days. What matters is that we don't let the bad days overtake the good days. Hug a puppy, kiss a kitten, smile at a baby, wave at your elders. Be happy and I assure you, good things will happen. I love you All.