~ My Personal Blog ~

Loved By Some, Hated By Many, Envied By Most, Yet Wanted By Plenty !!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Life Goes On !!!

Mistakes help us to grow :)
No matter what we do or who we are, we are going to make mistakes. Unfortunately, that is an inevitable truth of life. We have to learn that it is OK to make a mistake. There are many different lessons that we can and must learn from making mistakes.

At the same time, we cannot dwell on mistakes. We must move forward. We must not let our past skeletons haunt us. We must bounce back from mistakes. If all we do is think about them, then they will hamper everything in our daily lives, hindering our personal growth.

Everyone makes mistakes. That is an undeniable truth of human life. However, your response to these mistakes goes a long way towards determining who you are and what you can be as a person. If you are determined to grow and learn from your mistakes, this will allow you to grow as a person. Mistakes don’t have to always be a bad thing.

The map of life works like this: No matter how lost you get,  you always take one step in the right direction. Sometimes you have to get a little lost to find your way. You can’t know any better when you don’t know. YOU have to go through that to understand .

Bad experiences, mistakes, regrets, although they aren’t desirable, we learn many things from them and in the end we turn and allows us to grow and become better people and make better decisions and choices.

I’ve made many mistakes in my past. Probably different types of mistakes to the ones you have commited. But with each mistake, the clearer the message stands out, and I’m glad I had commited these mistakes while I was still young, just in time, just before I reached 16. So go climb more mountains, or swim more rivers. After all, life’s all about taking risks.

It’s okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are our teachers - they help us to learn. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because that’s where you will find success. On the far side of failure! The greatest mistake a man can ever make, is not making one at all. 

Mistakes !!

Maybe mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Maybe if we had never veered off course, we wouldn’t fall in love, have babies, or be who we are. After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But its comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart, and if you’re very lucky, a plane ride away......    

Friday, July 20, 2012

You Are The CSS To My HTML :)

I remember the days when having an extreme interest in computers and technology was considered a bad thing.  I never understood what those guys in my  school were doing, hunched over their old school mac computers and talking about RAM.  It sounded like a foreign language and so nerdy!  Fast forward a few years, and guys who are interested in techy, computer stuff are in high demand and there is just something about those so-called “geeks” that most women can’t get enough of, including myself!  What can I say, I have a weakness for a man who knows his way around a hard drive and has his way with HTML. The best thing about a Computer Geek is... 
He can fix everything.....  
This is especially handy for girls like me who have a tendency to break things quite a bit :D
But here’s the thing, even if he doesn’t know how to fix something-for example, your machine or laptop, he’ll google it until he’s blue in the face.  He’ll pull up tutorials on Youtube, download step by step pdfs, and get the job done.  A computer geek will never say “I don’t know how to do that…”, he always figures it out-and that kind of determination is pretty damn sexy.

Mostly Can Fix Me ;)

Promise To Myself :)

Promise to my self to be strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind; to talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person I meet; to make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them; to look at the sunny side of everything and to make my optimism come true, to think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best; to be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own; to forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future; to wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature I meet; to give so much time to improving myself that I have no time to criticize others; to be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble; to think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds; to live in the faith that the whole world is on my side, so long as I am true to the best that is in me.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Few Rules :)

1.) Never stop thinking. This is is important. If someone ever says to you “you need to stop thinking so much,” call them ignorant in your head and keep thinking deeper. It is this mentality that breeds stupid people. Your mind is the most important thing you have, if you stop using it, it will atrophy. 
2.) Stare into space blankly and don’t mentally punish yourself for doing it, even if it is for that split second. 
3.) Don’t be afraid to talk about anything. You shouldn’t be afraid of reality. 
4.) Everyone is a hypocrite. 
5.) You are all original. Every life experience is case sensitive and unique. Every time you wake up or quote someone else, you are becoming more you than anyone has ever been. 
6.) Do pointless things. Don’t actively restrain or hide yourself from the redundant.
7.) Stop rushing. Shut up and embrace the sound of silence. 
8.) Religion shouldn’t be taught, it should be found. No one should tell you what to believe except for you. 
9.) Talking to yourself is healthy. Is there anyone you have more in common with?
10.) There is no such thing as time. The sun never sets or rises. Days and years don’t exist. There is only your life. 
11.) We will always be in a transitional phase. Look outside and know that everything will be replaced at some point. This existence is temporary. 
12.) It’s not half empty or half full. It’s half a glass. 
13.) Every now and then, you take something that you see everyday and try to see it in a different light. Renew its resistance. 
14.) Be happy, but don’t force it. 
15.) You will always succeed in trying. 
16.) We are all crazy. 
17.) We are all about as similar as we are different. 
18.) Ideas are about as valuable as people. 
19.) Words will always be just words. Love is just another four letter word, only the feeling is real. 
20.) Ask a child for advice. They may not know much, but they know what’s important. 
21.) Prove you’re alive. Do anything from dancing in the supermarket to taking an impulse trip to another country. Remind the world you are still here. 
22.) Don’t take anything seriously.

P.S A mail someone sent me years back :D thought would just share it.. Enjoy

Enjoy It Now !!

For just one second, look at your life and see how perfect it is. Stop looking for the next secret door that is going to lead you to your real life. This is it: there’s nothing else. It’s here and you’d better decide to enjoy it or you’re going to be miserable wherever you go, for the rest of your life, forever.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Brain !!

The brain is the human body’s most mysterious organ. It learns. It changes. It adapts. It tells us what we see, what we hear. It lets us feel love. I think it holds our soul. And no matter how much research we do, no one can really say how all that delicate grey matter inside our skull works. And, when it’s hurt, when the human brain is traumatized, well, that’s when it gets even more mysterious.

Just What Is Authenticity, Anyway?

I just had to share this after reading it :) A friend mailed it to me ^_^ 
Psychologists long assumed authenticity was something too intangible to measure objectively. Certainly Michael Kernis did when, around 2000, graduate student Brian Goldman approached him about making a study of individual differences in authenticity.
“I said, ‘Well, you can’t do that,’” recalls Kernis, a social psychologist at the University of Georgia in Athens, “because nobody thought you could.” But the two plunged ahead, reviewing several centuries’ worth of philosophical and psychological literature. They came up with a technical description of authenticity as “the unimpeded operation of one’s true or core self in one’s daily enterprise.”
Kernis and Goldman (now at Clayton State University) identified four separate and somewhat concrete components of authenticity that they could measure in a written test. The first, and most fundamental, is self-awareness: knowledge of and trust in one’s own motives, emotions, preferences, and abilities. Self-awareness encompasses an inventory of issues from the sublime to the profane, from knowing what food you like to how likely you are to quit smoking to whether you’re feeling anxious or sad.
Self-awareness is an element of the other three components as well. It’s necessary for clarity in evaluating your strengths and (more to the point) your weaknesses: acknowledging when you’ve flubbed a presentation or when your golf game is off, without resorting to denial or blame. Authenticity also turns up in behavior: It requires acting in ways congruent with your own values and needs, even at the risk of criticism or rejection. And it’s necessary for close relationships, because intimacy cannot develop without openness and honesty.
Kernis and Goldman have found that a sense of authenticity is accompanied by a multitude of benefits. People who score high on the authenticity profile are also more likely to respond to difficulties with effective coping strategies, rather than resorting to drugs, alcohol, or self-destructive habits. They often report having satisfying relationships. They enjoy a strong sense of self-worth and purpose, confidence in mastering challenges, and the ability to follow through in pursuing goals.
Whether authenticity causes such psychological boons or results from them isn’t yet clear. But they suggest why people crave authenticity, as those low in authenticity are likely to be defensive, suspicious, confused, and easily overwhelmed.
Considering the psychological payoffs, Kernis and Goldman ask, “Why, then, is not everybody authentic?”
 Read the Rest of the Article on PsychologyToday.com

Look At Yourself !!!

Take a step back. Look at yourself. You are human. You are beautiful. you are so beautiful. And you can be anything. You can be everything. Do not hate because someone broke your heart, or because your parents split up or your best friend betrayed you. Do not concern yourself with things you cannot control. Cry when you need to, then let go when it’s time. Don’t hang on to painful memories just because you’re afraid to forget. Let go of things that are in the past. Forget things that aren’t worth remembering. Stop taking things for granted. Stop taking life for granted. Live for something. Live for yourself. Fall in love. Fall out of love. Fall in love. Fall out of love. Do this over and over until you know what it really is to love someone. Question things. Tell people how you really feel. Sleep under the stars. Create. Imagine. Inspire. Share something wonderful. Make something beautiful and then destroy it. Meet new people. Make someone’s day. Follow your dreams. Live your life to its full potential. Just live. Let go of all the horrible things in your life and just live. And one day, when you’re old, look back with no regrets. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Life is Beautiful :)

This life is what you make it. No matter what, you’re going to mess up sometimes. It’s a universal truth. But the good part is, you get to decide how you’re going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends- they’ll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything- they’re your true best friends. Don’t let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they’ll come and go too. And babe, I hate to say it, most of them- actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can’t give up because if you give up, you’ll never find your soulmate. You’ll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn’t mean you’re going to fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself. Because if you don’t, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up. and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about. 

Passion !!!

Passion. One of the number one things that we look for in our partners. It’s a universal desire for someone to be passionate about you. It’s a plus when they are passionate about their own life, and about things that are important to them. It brings fervor and fire into any relationship and makes every day exciting. It’s odd that this is something we look for in people, as if there are people who aren’t passionate at all. Shouldn’t everyone have something that excites, defines and drives them? Otherwise, life would be boring and meaningless. Passion should not be optional.