~ My Personal Blog ~

Loved By Some, Hated By Many, Envied By Most, Yet Wanted By Plenty !!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Let me ask you a classic question:
Is your glass half-full … or half-empty?
This is a difficult question to answer. The logical answer would be “The glass is at 50% of its total carrying capacity”. But we know this is a question of perspective. If you answer “half-full”, you are happy. If you answer “half-empty”, you are sad. Those are the only choices … right?
Wrong. For some people, “half-full” and “half-empty” don’t describe how they feel. For some, their glass is more than half-full, or full or overflowing. And for others … their glass is less than half-empty … or empty … or broken.
But you can’t answer, “my glass is shattered into a million pieces on the floor”. That’s not one of the choices. Nor is “my glass is empty”. And you can’t answer “half-empty” because then people assume that you’re attention seeking … or something else.
But it seems to be acceptable to answer, “my glass is full” or “my glass is overflowing” … even though they’re not the choices you are given.
So my answer to the question would have to be “my glass is half-full”. It’s the only one people want to hear.
What’s your answer? 


  1. my answer is half full and half empty...... :) :P cox sometimes i feel happy and sometimes feel sad......... ~

    1. well not bad :) after all its ur point of view
